The Sacred Futures Charter
The Prologue
Sacred Futures is committed to transforming systems through rebuilding our connections between people and planet. We believe that the return to indigenous and more life-centered ways of being is the grounds for creating an agrarian revolution that will shift the narrative away from corporatism and industrialization. Our vision is to see all of us reengaged beautifully with the living world.
WHAT IF we slowed down enough become aware of who we are, and where we are relative to the landscapes and people we connect with? Could we then begin to re-member ourselves as one member of the whole, and innovate from a place anchored in values that lead to the renewal of the ecology of life?
WHAT IF we reformed the agreements and structures that keep us away from the true connection and belonging that we seek to have between the human and more-than-human worlds?
These are the guiding questions which have formed this practice. At Sacred Futures, we reimagine, design and implement new financial services, governance models, forms of agreement, and organizational structures that cultivate renewal and reciprocity between human and more-than-human worlds.
Our areas of focus include the following:
The Future awaits humble citizens who are curious, eager to learn, willing to investigate and challenge the status quo, with heart in pursuit of the deeper meanings of life. The future is wanting to be held by those who shift their paradigm from control to stewardship. Stewardship of our treasures, of people, place and time, comes from the way of the heart. When design and innovation extends from this center, we expand our capacity to honor the relationships between human and more-than-human life, securing a more beautiful and connected world both now and in the future. We need those of us who recognize that abundance and generosity are the true currencies of a living economy, to collaborate, build trust and seek out new ways of being in this era.
Our Praxis
We have developed a living approach that helps us find the path to answer the following question:
How can we design and build the infrastructure necessary for our leaders and the DNA of organizations to embody the ancient wisdom of honoring the sacred ecology of life?
We believe the first invitation is to acknowledge. Where are you relative to web of life and its story? We acknowledge where we are through reflective and embodied practices and uplifting the story of the proximate landscape. We acknowledge natural constraints and embrace the humility they invoke. We guide our partners and clients in acknowledging story, differences and experiences that have formed us into being.
The second invitation is to align. What unites us to come together? What are the foundational beliefs and values that will govern the way through which culture, process or product innovation may occur? Through this process of alignment, we help our partners and clients unveil the language, the roles and internal systems necessary to affect transformation.
The third invitation is to adapt. As nature teaches us through the changing seasons and shifting weather patterns, we can adapt to a new way of being in right relationship with the more-than-human world. Our guiding process helps our partners and clients implement evolved procedures and methodologies which embody the intention and values.
As our partners move through this journey, the Sacred Futures role becomes one of listener, gatherer and weaver. We listen to essence, to story, to patterns. We gather these artifacts of context, relationship and intention, and integrate a diverse array of communication modalities, including sound, movement, words or visual, to weave together what emerges. What is shared is a form that will live along the journey as an anchor and mirror of the agreements, values and intentions set along the way.
Our Principles
The following values and principles are fundamental to who we are becoming and how we show up in our work:
Connection – we aspire to reveal the nodes that connect us to landscapes, cultures and creatures alike
Curiosity – we are inquisitive and love asking questions, eager to explore and adapt to uncharted territory
Depth – we welcome the complexities of life and how they form us into our ways of being, acknowledging the journey is ongoing
Empathy – we value sitting with the stories that make and shape all life around us and look to the old growth forests for a model
Humility – we acknowledge those who have gone before us and accept that some answers may never be revealed to us
Rest – we reject hustle culture and embrace the tenets of slowing down to observe, listen and learn
We do not prescribe to be experts of the way, but learners of life. What we aim to be excellent at are not in finding the answers, but in rooting our approach. We exercise listening, noticing, echoing, gathering and weaving into this renewed way of being in the world. Our desire is that through engaging with us, we will participate in influencing, innovating and inspiring others to embark on this journey in humble reverence of our place in this work.